Designed to out perform your BDC at a fraction of the cost

Game-changing solution for subprime lead qualifying and management no matter your use case

Instant Lead Engagement

50% of leads go with the dealership that engages them in a meaningful conversation first. When you're using BKD, the other guys don't stand a chance.

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You custom agent engages leads the moment you receive them
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AI model trained on the best subprime lead handling strategies
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We feed your existing CRM with the enhanced leads. No new systems to learn or train on.
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Which Lead Providers are Performing Best for You?

Deeper insights into lead provider quality. Access to the info you need to make a better decision before placing your next lead order.

Live analytics on how your leads are converting
Live - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Automatically find leads that can be returned
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Individual user analytics
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Your Sales Team Focused on Selling

Streamlines the sales process to free up your team so they can focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks

Reports - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Automated reports
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Advanced charts
PDF Reports - Saasplex X Webflow Template
PDF reports
App - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateUser By Device - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Analytics Development - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateAnalytics SEO - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Ready, Set, Race

Subprime clients are applying on multiple sites so the quicker you engage a lead the more likely they are to stick with you.

50% choose first dealer
Building relationships
Engagement in full conversation
Providing immediate value
Start Now

It's a plug in and go system. You do nothing.

Designed for immediate integration. Picture it like a behind-the-scenes upgrade, where your process stays the same and you magically receive better leads.

Lead enters our qualification engine
Your AI Agent starts chatting
Data collected is analyzed
Lead is processed into your CRM

Instant Lead Engagement

50% of leads go with the dealership that engages them in a meaningful conversation first. When you're using BKD, the other guys don't stand a chance.

Check Icon - Saasplex X Webflow Template
You custom agent engages leads the moment you receive them
Check Icon - Saasplex X Webflow Template
AI model trained on the best subprime lead handling strategies
Check Icon - Saasplex X Webflow Template
We feed your existing CRM with the enhanced leads. No new systems to learn or train on.
Start Now
Analytics Development - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateAnalytics SEO - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Ready, Set, Race

Subprime clients are applying on multiple sites so the quicker you engage a lead the more likely they are to stick with you.

50% choose first dealer
Building relationships
Engagement in full conversation
Providing immediate value
Start Now
Analytics - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateActive Users - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Trained Subprime Execution

Our AI model is developed based on leading strategies for handling subprime leads. Its primary goal is to convert each lead into a phone call, while first ensuring that they meet your qualification criteria.
Basic requirements for a qualified lead include:

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Income over $1800
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Receiving income for over 3 months
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Valid driver's license
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Confirm they are looking to finance a vehicle